Sunday, February 8, 2009

Need for Feedback

Teacher feedback is a necessity when teaching and I completely forgot to give individual feedback during my first lesson. Feedback lets students know that their teacher is there and watching what they are doing. Feedback keeps students on track and can motivate them to do better or keep up the good work. Feedback should be specific, congruent with the task, cues or skill being taught, relatively simple and mostly positive or neutral. There are tree types of feedback, positive, neutral and negative. Individuals respond to the 3 types of feedback differently so it is important for the teacher to know his/her students and what type of feedback works for each student. Even if some individuals are motivated by negative feedback, the majority of feed back in the phys ed class room should be positive and neutral. I gave general feedback to the entire class but my lesson would have been more effective if I gave individual feedback. Individual feedback gives off the impression that the teacher really cares about the students' development and makes students feel better when they hear that they are doing a good job. I know from now on that I have to give individual feedback and make sure everyone in the class is getting individual feedback instead of a select few.

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