Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring is in the air.. So lets get out and move!

Although it was only 30 degrees outside, it is Spring. Most of the snow is disappearing which means more opportunities to get out and be active and I definitely enjoy being outside instead of indoors.
I wanted to share my love with being outside with Junior so I suggested we go down to the local SPCA and walk some dogs. Junior said he loves dogs so I explained that we could have fun playing with dogs and being active at the same time. It turned out to be almost too easy to volunteer and walk a dog, they friendly and trusting people at the SPCA just handed a dog over to us as long as I as the adult held onto the leash the entire time. They didn't even ask me for a name so thankfully they are trusting individuals.

We decided to walk a medium sized terrier named Woody as you can see in the pictures. We had a blast as Junior was chasing after Woody and Woody chased after him. I've never seen Junior run for as long of a period of time as he did with Woody. He was having so much fun but he did admit he was getting tired after about 20 minutes. It was also still on the chilly side so we went back to the SPCA and checked out some of the other dogs including the new puppies!

The puppies were addorable and Junior just kept saying how much he loved playing with dogs. We saw some of the other older dogs and we got to give them treats. We are definitely going back again because Junior loved it so much and he enjoyed running with Woody which can be a great form of exercise and activity!

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